

Change EASILY the default program (and other actions) when opening a file

This is a quick post in which I will simply describe my problem and the wonderful solution I found: -I needed to open two .tex files, and I use TexStudio as my default editor (so far it's the best editor I know).
However, TexStudio's default behavior is to open just ONE INSTANCE of the program and load all the files I open on that same instance.
If I want to open a new instance, I found a I nice solution here:

Simply go to my direct link access to TexStudio's link icon and add at the end of the target field (i.e. after "(path)\texstudio.exe" to:

" --start-always "%1"
That way, everytime you open Texstudio from this link, you'll open a new instance.
However, if you want to open a new instance everytime you open a .tex file, apparently the best solution is to download this beautiful program:

which allows you to easily change the behavior of your default opening programs. For example:

(I learned this trick from here:

And that's all for today.


Liuteria A440 - Laboratorio di liuteria artigianale - Luthier

A weird job: the Luthier

Who knows what is the Lithier job?

I've found this web site across the web. It's only in Italian (unfortunately) but you can try to translate it using some kind of automatic translator (the result could be terrible :) )

Anyway: a Luthier is an artisan whose job is to build, repair or design musical instruments. It's a quite unique work.

This guy from Italy builds handmade guitars and basses (both electrical and classical) as well as repair them.

The web site is pretty cool, and you can find a central box containing all the stuff that he publishes on Facebook; it's a fancy way to show the ongoing works and projects.

On the webpage you can find also videos of handmade instruments played by professionist. If you enjoy this work and would like to get more info you can visit the official web site; Therein are also listed all the links to the main social network used by that guy.

Here's the link:

Liuteria A440 - Laboratorio di liuteria artigianale - Luthier

Bye :)


Gain Free Logins to Registered Only Areas - BugMeNot (More)


In this post I will tell you how to gain accesso to restricted area sites which require registration.

This is not a hacker-based or warez-based post, I will show you how LEGALLY obtain these credentials to gain access only to FREE contents protected with user registration.


Install Corsair Force GT SATA3 on MacBook Pro late 2009

In this short article I will explain how to install a Corsair Force GT SATA3 SSD on a MBP 240GByte from the second half of 2009. The installation of this device makes it possible to greatly increase the performance in accessing the mass memory .


Smart way to write "trace" command in Matlab - Boost your code, save time

Sometimes is necessary to write complex operations in Matlab involving matrices. These operations can be of different type and they operate in different ways.

Today I'll show you how write in a smart way the "trace" command of a matrix or a product/sum/difference of the using matrices notation to speed up your code.


Secure VNC connections with Free VNC edition

VNC is a usefull tool which permits to administrate remotely a computer. The free version of this tool has great features, but not the one about SSL communication during a VNC session.
This may result in different security issues, such as traffic sniffing that can cause sensitive data theft. To avoid these possible annoying issues we can route the VNC session inside a SSL connection and secure the communication.

In this tutorial I will show how make a secure tunnel connection and then route the free VNC edition through this tunnel to secure the communication of the VNC session.

What we need:

  • 2 hosts, generally one is depicted as a server and the other one as a client.
    • VNC server installed on the server host
    • VNC viewer installed on the client host
    • freesshd installed on the server host (if windows based) or openssh-server (on linux machines)
    • putty installed on client machine (if windows based) or openssh-client (on linux machines)
 As seen in the post "SSH Tunneling" on this blog is possible to create a secure tunnel between two hosts. Here below we will see the commands that must be used to create a tunnel:

Under Linux machines on the client side:

ssh user@serverip -L <LOCAL_PORT>:<VNC_PORT_ON_SERVER>

  • <LOCAL_PORT> is the port on the client host where VNC connection will be redirected.
  • <VNC_PORT_ON_SERVER> is the port on the server where VNC service is running.
  • The middle address "" means that the <VNC_PORT_ON_SERVER> on the host (so the server to which we are connecting) will be redirected to <LOCAL_PORT> on the client.
Under Windows machines on the client side:

Start putty and under the Session section place user@serverip in the circled field.

Under SSH->Tunnels:
In Source Port place the equivalent of <LOCAL_PORT>
In Destination place the equivalent of "<VNC_PORT_ON_SERVER>"

Once set up, click Open.

Now, both on Windows or Linux machines, you can open the secure VNC session connecting to:<LOCAL_PORT>

In this case the packets will be routed through the ssh connection until they get to the server.

VNC Free + secure connections.
