

Automated Rotation Backup Script

Hi guys!

In this post we'll se something useful about backup your personal data!

Backup data is very important, especially for people that use computer for work. The loss of important data can be a nefarious event.

What we need to run this script is:

- Personal Computer with a distribution of Linux Installed
- About 5 minutes of patience :-)



The original script has been uploaded by zyphlar on a gitHub repository. The code has been improved in order to perofm security checks. Indeed, when not invoked properly, the script could have deleted data.

Thanks to Zyphlar for the improvements


Description: This is the script that will makes backup of a specified directory and implements rotation. Rotation in backups means that some old backup files will be deleted automatically and newer will be shifted to replace them. You can set the number of days after which the old backup folders will be deleted. This can be done through changing the NUMDAYS variable. This variable is set up to 7 days by default. Once you have pasted script into a file, save it as ""

1 - The script must obtain the "x" flag because it's necessary to make possible to eXecute it. So open linux terminal and go to the directory where the script is and type

chmod +x

2 -  To run this script you must use terminal, cd to the directory where the script is and type

./ what where

  • the parameter <what> must defines the ABSOLUTE path of the directory that must be "backupped".
  • the parameter <where> must defines the ABSOLUTE path of the directory where the backup will be stored
This script generates also a log text. In fact if you run it from terminal you'll see a list of log lines talking about the backup operations. If you want to store them into a separate file you can execute the script in this way:

./ what where > backup_log.log 

so in this way the log lines will be stored in backup_log.log file.

3 - We need to execute the last step, the automation of this process. To automate the backup process and schedule it we can use cron. Cron is a daemon that can execute scheduled commands for every user of a machine. You can schedule a command to be executed specifying the minutes of a day when execute it, the hours, the days etc like shown here below.

.---------------- [m]inute (0 - 59) 
|  .------------- [h]our (0 - 23)
|  |  .---------- [d]ay [o]f [m]onth (1 - 31)
|  |  |  .------- [mon]th (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr... 
|  |  |  |  .---- [d]ay [o]f [w]eek (0 - 6) (sunday=0 o 7)  OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat 
|  |  |  |  |

*  *  *  *  *  comand to be executed

Now we have got to add a scheduled execution of our backup script. Here is an example that you can personalize at your own. For first thing open linux terminal and type

crontab -e

In this way you will edit your cron scheduled commands. (-e option means edit). Now we insert the scheduled execution of our script. To do this, before you can edit the content you must press the key "I" that switches the editor mode into "INSERT" mode. Now it's possible to enter data. Type something like

45 15 * * * /path/to/ > /path/to/backup_log.log

You have to define the absolute path to your script, so replace /path/to/ with the exactly absolute path where the script is placed. Once finished to edit the content press the button "ESC" that switches from "INSERT" mode to "VIEW" mode and type ":wq" and hit return. "wq" means "write changes and quit". Now we have added a scheduled execution of the script to the cron daemon. We can verify this typing

crontab -l

that means to "list" all the cron entries for this user. In the example above we have scheduled the execution of the script every month, every day of the week and the month, at 15.45 (in 24h notation, else 3.45PM in 12h notation). In this way your backups will be automated and the old backups will be automatically deleted and replaced with the shifting logic introduced below.


My First Post on Happy Engineer - SSH Tunneling

A very powerfull tool is SSH. SSH is the acronym of secure shell and is a kind of prehistoric version of Remote Desktop Connection or VNC. The main difference between VNC, RDC and SSH is that SSH make possible to manage a remote host using without using GUIs, but only through a prompt.

You can think "Bleah, only a poor command prompt?  Where the way to unpack tarball is made of a long sequence of chars??? WTF????"

Answer: "Yes".

Trust me, if you begin to use linux's terminal it will be the END. You'll not use linux without using terminal! It's a drug!

But, wait a second, try to think about the idea of sending only few bytes to manage remote hosts instead of large quantities of bytes for send screenshots of VNC and RDC. It sounds good!!

Leaving behind these considerations, let's talk technically.

If you want to connect to a remote host using ssh you have to be sure of two things:

1 - The remote host must have installed a SSH daemon (OpenSSH for example) and must be correctly configured.

In Ubuntu distributions is very simple to install OpenSSH, just open terminal and type:

    sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Once installed, the daemon will startup automatically when the host starts up, and all the user of the host will be enabled to use ssh service, so if you want to access to your machine you can use the credentials you normally use to access the host.

2- You must know a pair o username-password enabled on the remote host.

Try to connect to a remote host using ssh. Open the terminal and type:

    ssh username@hostip


    Username is the username on the remote host
    hostip defines the remote host ip you want to connect using SSH

 If you want to test if OpenSSH is working on your local host you can run:

    ssh yourusername@localhost

After the execution of this command you'll be asked to accept a key and you'll need to answer "yes".

    What's the meaning of this question?

SSH bases its operation on the use on a public key cryptography system and the first time you make a connection to a remote host you must accept its public key to start the conversation.

    Wow... Now i'm connected to a remote host.. And now?

The main advantage of using SSH for administrate remote hosts is the limitate usage of bandwidth. It seems a nonsense, but there are a lot of situations where the optimization of bandwidth usage can make the difference.

    Yeah. .. Boring Things...


There's a little funcionality of SSH that is very powerfull. The Tunneling. Tunneling defines the possibility to make a tunnel between two hosts and make possible to exchange data between them.

Imagine to have three hosts:

    host A, connected to the internet, placed in Australia
    host B and C in the same subnet but only B is directly connected to the Internet. These two hosts are in Norway.

Imagine also that host A must access to C for some reasons. There are a lot of ways to do this for example VPNs (maybe we talk about this another time).. Another way can be tunneling.


Using host B like a gateway for exchange data with C. Great! How?


There's a little tiny argument that you can pass to SSH command before execute it. The -L argument. Let's see a usage for this argument.

    ssh johndoe@hostB -L 5000:hostC:21

In this example i'm connecting to the host B placed in Norway, using the username johndoe. Passing -L argument i'm saying to ssh to bind port 21 of hostC (hostC must be the subnet's ip of host C) to the port 5000 of my host. So if i connect using a FTP client to port 5000 of my localhost, the communication will be routed through the tunnel to host C using host B like a gateway.

So if you have the possibility to access a host of a subnet using SSH, you'll be able to access on every host of that subnet.

I wish that you will appreciate this post. I'm also happy if you want to correct me in contents or in grammar (i'm not so trained about writing english :) )

Yhank you, see you soon


Concatenate arrays with different sizes in Matlab

Sometimes you want to concatenate arrays with different sizes, and Matlab doesn't allow you to. This makes sense, of course, but still you just want to put all that stuff together for some reason. Then this function may help you. As any other functions I've wrote, I'm sure it an be optimized, so I'll be happy to hear suggestions.
You can also download it from my matlab file exchange and rate it :-)

function [catmat]=padconcatenation(a,b,c)
%concatenates arrays with different sizes and pads with NaN.
%a and b are two arrays (one or two-dimensional) to be concatenated, c must be 1 for
%vertical concatenation ([a;b]) and 2 for horizontal concatenation ([a b])
% a=rand(3,4)
% b=rand(5,2)
% a =
%     0.8423    0.8809    0.7773    0.3531
%     0.2230    0.9365    0.1575    0.3072
%     0.4320    0.4889    0.1650    0.9846
% b =
%     0.6506    0.8854
%     0.8269    0.0527
%     0.4742    0.3516
%     0.4826    0.2625
%     0.6184    0.5161
% PADab=padconcatenation(a,b,1)
% PADab =
%     0.8423    0.8809    0.7773    0.3531
%     0.2230    0.9365    0.1575    0.3072
%     0.4320    0.4889    0.1650    0.9846
%     0.6506    0.8854       NaN       NaN
%     0.8269    0.0527       NaN       NaN
%     0.4742    0.3516       NaN       NaN
%     0.4826    0.2625       NaN       NaN
%     0.6184    0.5161       NaN       NaN
% PADab=padconcatenation(a,b,2)
% PADab =
%     0.8423    0.8809    0.7773    0.3531    0.6506    0.8854
%     0.2230    0.9365    0.1575    0.3072    0.8269    0.0527
%     0.4320    0.4889    0.1650    0.9846    0.4742    0.3516
%        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN    0.4826    0.2625
%        NaN       NaN       NaN       NaN    0.6184    0.5161


switch c
    case 1
        tempmat=NaN(sa(1)+sb(1),max([sa(2) sb(2)]));
    case 2
        tempmat=NaN(max([sa(1) sb(1)]),sa(2)+sb(2));



Custom Colors for Matlab Plots

This is a(nother) simple function I wrote for matlab, it can also be downloaded from my file exchange at mathworks:

In plot graphs, often it's needed to use a several colors that can be easily differentiated on a first look on the graphic. With this function you can call easily (by name or by code) a selection of 15 colors.
It's very simple and there are more elegant ways to do it, but I think it's a very functional solution.

function ccol=CustomColors(ct1)
%This is a function to create some easy to differentiate colors, very
%useful when plotting many things in the same graphic
%The RGB coordinates and names where taken from the following page:
%for ccc=1:15
%plot(ccc*ones(1,10),'Linewidth',4,'Color', CustomColors(ccc))
%plot(ones(1,10),'Linewidth',4,'Color', CustomColors('Coral'))
%plot(ones(1,10),'Linewidth',4,'Color', CustomColors('DeepSkyBlue4'))
%Copyright: Andres Gonzalez. 2012.

    [   [0,0.407843137254902,0.545098039215686] ];% DeepSkyBlue4
    [   [0.545098039215686,0.270588235294118,0.0745098039215686]    ];% SaddleBrown
    [   [0,0.803921568627451,0] ];% green3
    [   [0,0.498039215686275,1] ];% SlateBlue
    [   [0.956862745098039,0.643137254901961,0.376470588235294] ];% SandyBrown
    [   [0.419607843137255,0.556862745098039,0.137254901960784] ];% OliveDrab
    [   [0.800000000000000,0.196078431372549,0.600000000000000] ];% Violet,Red
    [   [0.556862745098039,0.419607843137255,0.137254901960784] ];% Sienna
    [   [0.803921568627451,0.678431372549020,0] ];% gold3
    [   [0.545098039215686,0,0.545098039215686] ];% magenta4
    [   [1,0.498039215686275,0] ];% coral
    [   [1,0.843137254901961,0] ];% gold1
    [   [0.600000000000000,0.196078431372549,0.800000000000000] ];% DarkOrchid
    [   [0.941176470588235,0.501960784313726,0.501960784313726] ];% LightCoral
    [   [0.635294117647059,0.803921568627451,0.352941176470588] ];% DarkOliveGreen3

switch class(ct1)
    case 'double'
        if ct1<1
            disp(sprintf('Color index must be between 1 and %d, taking closest value [%d]',length(CColors),ct1))
        elseif ct1>length(CColors)
            disp(sprintf('Color index must be between 1 and %d, taking closest value [%d]',length(CColors),ct1))
    case 'char'
        for ct2=1:length(NColors)
            if (strcmp(NColors{ct2},ct1))
        if ctfound==0
            disp(sprintf('Color not found taking default value [%d]',1))
        disp(sprintf('Color not valid taking default value [%d]',1))



Save Workspace to Struct

This was a nice function that I created today, and it allows to save all the variables from the "base" workspace to a single struct, in order to have them all nicely packed in case you want to create mat file with them and later reload it without having so much worry of overwriting the variables in the other workspace. I gratefully accept suggestions for better options.
And now it's also available at the Matlab Central (if you want to rate it, which is always welcome):

%This Script saves all the variables from the current workspace into a
%single structure array.
%Created by Andres Gonzalez. 2012

function WStruct=ws2struct()

WSVARS = evalin('base', 'who');
for wscon=1:size(WSVARS,1)
    thisvar=evalin('base', WSVARS{wscon});



Brain Registration with ANTS Toolkit

In most neuro imaging research it is needed to study specific areas of the brain instead of the wholevolume. For me, as many other researchers, it is very difficult or impossible to locate by hand some specific brain areas. And it is not desired to do conclusions over an area that is not correctly located, because this conclusions will end up corresponding to some other part of the brain. So, is very important to use a good tool for registration. The following papers explain why ANTs is one of the best tools for Brain Registration:
There are no “best parameters”for every registration, it mostly depends on the resolution of the images and the moving and fix spaces as well as many other characteristics. However, I think that there should be some basic recommendations for running a correct corregister, because it would be a waste of time to try on with hundred possibilities for each parameter. As a new ANTs user I struggled a lot trying to find out which could be the best options to be used, because every paper I read would say that the best parameters were different depending each specific situation. But still, for a new user is difficult to guess from zero the best options. So finally, after reading ANTs manual and with personal communication with Dr. Klein, I did a resume that I hope can help as a basis for other people that are learning about ANTs as well.  
The file ants.h that can be found on my web page contains my recommended parameters for doing brain registration from an atlas to a subject's space. It can be executed directly from the command line if you have ANTs installed in your computer. You can find there as well an explanation on how the parameters were chosen. 
Visit (go to 'My PhD Project' > Project Progress > Files)


Touchpad not working AT ALL (Not even in BIOS)

Ok... not having time to post more elaborated stuff... I will go on to give talk about this apparently simple problem...

Today I found out my touchpad was not working. Ok I said... It must be something disabled on the device setup... Nop, it's not. Well... yep, it must be the driver. Uninstall, reboot, re-install, reboot... nop. Ok, it must at any rate, be a Windows problem... let's try Linux... reboot, come on Linux darling... nop, still not working... what the....????

Well, it should work in the BIOS, or there is maybe some option disabled... checking the BIOS... nop, no way... is the hardware broken? did I spill some liquid? did I hit it? no... no that I remember.

Let's google it... config? check, drivers? check, bios? check... ok let's see this post by whiteblade here and... wowwww that actually worked!

The solution: DISCONNECT THE LAPTOP AND TAKE OUT THE BATTERY FOR SOME MINUTES. It should gave time to some part of the memory to discharge, so when out turn it back on, your touchpad will be alive.

Yep, this might not work for everyone... but it did for me and for other people... so this post should help those who are about to start tearing their shirts apart and yelling at the laptop for being so fragile.


Installing Marlin on Ubuntu 11.10

As I got tired of Nautilus lack of certain common features (specially the hability to change from icon view to list view in one click), I decided to install a new explorer on my Ubuntu. The logical option was Marlin, the upgraded version of what was previously called "Elementary Nautilus".

Here are the steps to install it, as I found them here

Type from terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marlin-devs/marlin-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install marlin

After that, if you are using the gnome-fallback shell (as I am) you can go to the top panel and:
Add to Panel...
Custom Application Launcher
Name: Marlin - Command: marlin
And the default Marlin icon will appear.

Click OK and now you can launch Marlin from your top panel.

It worked right away for me and it's MUCH better than the default Nautilus.


Helvetica Fonts

Update 2012-04-25: I've checked this link today and it doesn't seem to be working, I'll post a new one when I find it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

In the last few days I've realized that finding the Helvetica font for free download can be not-so-easy, and actually you could find yourself needing Helvetica for the most unrelated reasons (for me, it was reading an article about mathematics and trying to install a game engine to play Shogi), so I leave here a link the the website where I found the solution:

and, if you want to skip this step, you can just go directly to the downloading site:


Jumping Cursor Problem solved

Well I had this problem of my cursor jumping randomly while I typed, and hadn´t found a good solution, but this guy really found the answer, so if you want you can go to the link and follow the instructions (nevermind the "Content Warning" apparently software and computers are not his major interests, but anyway he found the solution to this problem that seems to affect a lot of people with laptops):

Or read the short version:

The problem is that Windows 7 by default uses the PS2 Mouse driver for the touchpad instead of using the proprietary driver. So you should:
1-Find the appropriate driver for your touchpad and download it. (It should be in the manufacturer's website)
2-Uninstall the PS2 mouse driver, BUT DON'T REBOOT!
3-Install the proprietary driver. And reboot.
After this, you should have the touchpad's software, and the problem should be gone. (Anyway, if you have an external mouse, you can use that software to disable the touchpad)


Export/Import Chrome and Chromium history

For a long time I had wanted to do this, because there are so many useful sites that I haven't bookmarked and not even remember the name. So I tried to find a direct tool in Chrome to export and import the history, but unfortunately I couldn't find it. However, I did find this webpage, where they gave me the data I needed to solve it.
The Chrome/Chromium history files (as well as cookies, passwords and others) are stored in this folders:

  • Linux: /home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/
  • Linux: /home/$USER/.config/chromium/
  • Windows Vista (and Win 7): C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\
  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\

So all you need to do is backup those folders and then paste them into your new browser if for some reason you have to format or re-install your OS, or just use the same configuration in another computer.
I know there must be a simple way to merge histories from several users, but I just found this today so still haven't devoted time to it. Anyway, I hope someone finds this useful.


Rename PDF's files pseudo-automatically with MsWord

As an engineer, many times I have to download scientific papers from internet, when I do this, the best thing would be that the download file would have a name like:

John Doe - The Importance of Scientific PDFs for Engineers.pdf

or, at least:


you know, something to make easy the desktop search afterwards, when you have a folder with maybe hundreds of papers. Instead, the name you get is:

or: jd-ispe.pdf

and you don't have time to rewrite, or copy-past the author and title, because it comes with those annoying line breaks that pdf files have (plus asterisks,crosses, etc).
On the other hand, maybe the properties of the pdf come with the proper author and title, but many times this is not the case.

So I made up this simple macro for MsWord. I know it's not an optimal solution. But it gives good results in principle. Maybe I'll add some more features later, but for now this is somewhat helpful.

One example:
The article
The Effect of Age of Cochlear Implantation on Language
Growth in Infants and Toddlers
J. Bruce Tomblin, Linda Spencer, & Brittan Barker

Can be downloaded from here

And if you download it like that, the name will be "age-ci.pdf" (not very meaningful, right?)

Now, using this macro, in 3 steps you could have a name like:

"The Effect of Age of Cochlear Implantation on Language Growth in Infants and Toddlers J. Bruce Tomblin, Linda Spencer, Brittan Barker.pdf"

Which, at least to me, seams a LOT more meaningful and easy to find.

Sub CorrPDFtext()
' CorrPDFtext Macro
' Erases undesired characters from pdf pieces of text, in order to rename more easily a
' scientific paper
' Actually, it can be used to many other things, it is an automatic way of replacing large
' amounts of text, you just have to modify it a little
' Copyright Andres Mauricio Gonzalez Vargas, 2012

'First, you should open the pdf you are downloading on your browser
'Second, select manually the title and the name of the authors, altogether
'Third, Copy the selection and go to msword.
'Then you can call the "CorrPDFtext" sub

'The sub starts pasting what you have in the clipboard, (title and author, suposedly)

'Here I call the Sub "DoReplace" given a lower and an upper limit,
'based on the ASCII code of the characters
DoReplace 0, 31 'ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)
'ASCII 32 is " " space
DoReplace 33, 43 'ASCII printable characters that are not letters
'DoReplace 41, 42 'ASCII printable characters that are not letters
'ASCII 44 is "," comma
'ASCII 45 is "-" hyphen
'ASCII 46 is "." period
DoReplace 47, 64 'ASCII printable characters that are not letters
DoReplace 91, 96 'ASCII printable characters that are not letters
DoReplace 123, 191 'ASCII printable characters (some letters with accents, actually could be useful)
'ASCII 192-255 are mostly letters with acute,tilde,dieresis, etc.

'The following is to get rid of multiple spaces left by the replacement process
For i = 1 To 3
With Selection.Find
.Text = " "
.Replacement.Text = " "
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop 'This is to avoid the confirmation message box
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
Next i

'And finally cut everything and sent to clipboard, so you can paste it in the "save as" dialog
End Sub

Sub DoReplace(loLim As Double, upLim As Double)
'This sub is intended to replace the characters given by the upper and lower limits

For i = loLim To upLim
With Selection.Find
.Text = Chr(i) 'the text to be replaced is given by the current ASCII code
.Replacement.Text = " " 'The replacement string is an space, it could be empty,
'but I prefer not to, in order to not join separate words
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop 'This way you avoid the confirmation window
.Format = False
.MatchCase = False
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

Next i

End Sub

'---------And that's it!

Installing Windows 7 from scratch on Dell Latitude E6410

For many users this is piece of cake, but as I had to do the process recently, I decided to write a tutorial on it, just in case anyone has trouble.

First of all, insert the OEM OS cd that comes with the machine, reboot, and press F12 to go to the one time boot menu.

Now, you have the LEGACY and UEFI booting options. Although UEFI has some advantages (for what I have heard), the truth is it only worked for me using LEGACY, but you can try another option, so more information on the topic is found here.

Next step would be selecting an appropiate language and, more important KEYBOARD. You will be able to change the keyboard later, but it's good to have it set properly from the beginning.

In my case, I decided to install a totally new copy of Windows, instead of upgrading the previous. And created a big enough partition for that. I left some hard drive space unpartitioned, because I'll do it later with Linux.

And after that, it's pretty straightforward, in a few minutes W7 will be starting up correctly, except that you still won't have the proper drivers to use your laptop's full capabilities. What you have is only the OS, but no connectivity, no graphic options, and a number of huge other things missing.

So the next thing is to get the proper drivers, and for that you can go to the Dell site. In the Driver CAB Files you will find what you need.

You should download and unzip this, and then go to the Device Manager (Go to Control Panel, change to "Large Icons" view and there you find it, because in the "Category" view it's hidden), where you will see that most of the devices have been found but are not properly working, so you proceed to update the drivers of each one of them (networks, audio, video, everything), and finally, go to the Nvidia website and look for the driver NVS 3100M. Download it and isntall it and voila!