

Extracting Substrings from Strings on Excel (III)

'This function extracts a substring from

'a bigger string, using a smaller string as "separator" and

'defining which one of the remaining substrings to take

'example: EXTRAERPARTE("this is a long string";1;" ")

' result: "this"

' EXTRAERPARTE("this is a long string";4;" ")

' result: "long"

'It can be very useful to separate long sentences into single words,

'by pointing the desired part to an array of sequential numbers

'%Copyright, 2008, Andrés González

Function EXTRAERPARTE(texto As String, queParte As Integer, separador As String) As String

Dim cont

numPartes = 0

partes = Split(texto, separador)

For Each parte In partes

numPartes = numPartes + 1


If (queParte <= numPartes) Then

EXTRAERPARTE = partes(queParte - 1)



End If

End Function

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